Today was Open House at the Design Department in Düsseldorf.
In the following Pics you can have a look at our beautiful Department and what we create there.
The Shapefindingskirts, the booklets, the Clips and Photos from the Fashionshows.
In addition to that the 2nd Semester showed their portfolios with which they applied at the Design Department.
AAAaand of course we had delicious food ready for the visitors and Prosecco ;-)
Very exciting day...
In case you couldn't make it today to visit the Design Department you can see more of it at the le bloc Event in Cologne on June 2nd.
There will be a Fashionshow, where Anna Wiese will show her beautiful Graduation Collection, the Shapefindingskirts will be exhibited in the Belgisches Viertel and much more...
Really nice event..hope to see you around there!!!
You can find more Information on the le bloc Facebookpage.
It's Friday evening time to DANCE!
Hope you enjoy it!
Die bilder sind voll cool :)